Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Herb Gardening Secrets

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Calotropis procera, or Ich'aak is a smuggler of life and the licensee life

Sep 26, 2010 Lynne Evans

Calotropis procera ,aak,Sodom's Apple - Wilfredo RodriguezCalotropis procera ich'aak Apple of Sodom - Wilfredo Rodriguez

Ich'aak, Sodom Apple or Swallow-wort are some of the names by which Calotropis procera is known.It is native to the Indian subcontinent, but grows wild in other countries, including the Middle East and the West, the United States Europe.Il Africa is toxic and a provider of health in the same way as digitale.Il pushes extensively in Pakistan and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Brief history of Calotropis procera

India, it has been used in Vedic times in religious ceremonies and the plant has been regarded as sacré.Les leaves have been used in the rites of Sun-worship, as it seems that they were among the nomadic Arab tribes antiques. perhaps it held sacred because it has the power to give life and the mort.Il mentioned in Vedic medical texts back to 1500BC.

Calotropis procera latexis regarded as hazardous inPakistan

In Pakistan, it is said that latex the ich'aak plant as it is known in Urdu, causes instant blindness.It is also used by some suicide and believes that were used in female infanticide, as well as to induce an avortements.On women now known to contain Glycoside, calotopin, uscharin and calotoxin, aluminum, iron, calcium, magnesium and carbohydrates, among other substances.

Calotropis procera has healing properties used in Ayurvedic

The parts of the plant used in medicine are sheets, fresh or dried, roots and bark of the root and the flower.

Powdered leaves are used for rapid healing of injuries, such as a purgative and improve indigestion.They are also used to treat liver disorders and skin diseases.

Dried leaves are used to promote sexual health, including the penile dysfunctions and shall be deemed to be an aphrodisiac.

Warm poultice is made from the leaves and applied to the stomach pain, to stop the headaches and applied to the sprains to facilitate the swelling and pain.

Flowers are used in milk as a beverage to cure a variety of complaints, including cough and catarrh, asthma and indigestion, as well as the choléra.Ils are collected from September to February and apparently can be used to treat the piles to paste them.

From the root bark is used to treat dysentery and c.c skin diseases ' is a very useful for herbalists on the subcontinent, so it is easily accessible.

So far, research has shown that Calotropis procera has the "potential" to be used in cancer treatment in the nose and throat; as an anticoagulant and is an anti-inflammatory drug tested.He has also been proven antifungal properties and can be used effectively in fungal diseases of the skin such as athlete's foot and teigne.Recherche on plant is underway.

Other uses of Calotropis procera

Uscharin LaTeX ich'aak plant has been especially effective against land snails (Hamdy I Hussein et al. 1994) .Autres research has shown that it is a source of hydrocarbons and could in future be used as another form of energy for gasoline.

In West Africa, Nigeria and Benin, it has long been used in the traditional cheese-making process and research conducted by Kumar and Kumar has shown that rennet can be made from milk-coagulating enzyme present in the leaves.

There is much more research on this plant, but so far the conclusions submitted the traditional uses of this life and death, giving plants.


Soneira Arya and Vijay l. Kumar, August 31, 2005, "efficiency" anti-inflammatory extracts of latex Calotropis procera against different mediators of inflammation mediators of inflammation Journal Vol 4 pp 228-232

Hamdy I Hussein et al., 1994, "Uscharin, the most powerful compound molluschidal against land snails" Journal of Chemical Ecology Vol 20 1 pp135-140

Anita and Ashwani Kumar, 10 June "Pharmacognostical Calotropis procera studies (has) R.B." (accessed on September 25, 2010)

F.A.Kuta, 4 July 2008, "Anti-fugal Effect of Calotropis procera bark stem Epidermophyton flocosum and Trichphyton gypseum" African Journal of biotechnology 7 13 vol., pp2116-2118

Copyright Lynne Evans.Contacter the author for permission to republish.
Calotropis procera ,aak,Sodom's Apple - Wilfredo RodriguezCalotropis procera ich'aak Apple of Sodom - Wilfredo Rodriguez$ (function () {$(".imageCarousel") .jCarouselLite ({btnNext: ".next", btnPrev: ".prev" visible: 1});}).

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Monday, November 8, 2010

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Carnivorous Plants - Drosera Sundews

October 4, 2010, Frank Smith

Sundews - Frank Smith

Drosera, commonly known as sundew are larger kinds of carnivorous plants.It is estimated that there is no less of 194 species in existence .Rossolis enjoy wide dissemination and range of rustic varieties found in Alaska South Africa tropical species.

In spite of the large-scale distribution of Drosera and many available species there are some commonalities that help to perpetuate a filamentary factory owner.

Soil - as with all carnivorous plants, the plants have evolved to overcome the difficulties of nutrient poor soils.One should try to reproduce a such sol.Tandis habitats vary, most of the sundew be happier in acid soil like peat. In addition, many sundew come from relatively "wetland" areas such as bog, bog and Marsh. Soil should be chosen which is water.

Water - assuming an acid loving variety of filiform has been selected, one should strive to maintain a constant level of moisture in the soil.In addition, it should avoid the use of water from the tap;rain water represents the best option.Toutefois, rain water is not available then use water deionized water, which is available in many stores maintenance equipment or car.

Food - food is generally not necessary, especially if the plant is kept outdoors in all or part of the year if the choice feeding a sundew, only feed the plant with insects.Meats and other foods fat may kill the specimen.

While there are many varieties of available sundew, the mechanism for capturing insects and digestion is largely semblable.Rossolis grow leaves, which take on a variety of shapes and sizes, long tentacles to small keypad as feuilles.Chacune leaves a large number of present tentacles are covered with a substance tacky mucilage.

Insects are attracted to the leaves by collante.Cependant substance, when landing on leaf insect becomes jump on the sheet.Over a period of time, the tentacles of the plant will be bend towards the centre of the feuille.Ici trapped insect is subsequently was digested with a mixture of the enzyme, which is reabsorbed by the leaves of the plant.

While the filiform misses the tragedy of Dionaea Flytrap, observation of a set of action sundew is always a fascinating experience and provides with the possibility of pushing something a little out of the beaten plant collector.

Overall, the sundew are relatively easy to obtain and retain carnivore.Tant basic rules and procedures are observed plant way, the owner must be able to keep a set of sundew with relatively little effort.

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Copyright Frank Smith.Contacter the author for permission to republish.
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